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Upcoming Webinar:

What a Playbook Can Do for Your Organization

Dec. 15, 11 a.m. – noon EST

Presenter: Paul Dufresne, Reliability Playbook

Paul Dufresne started Reliability Playbook in 2017 as a service provider offering maintenance and reliability expertise to companies worldwide in nearly every industry. 

An effective lubrication program is foundational to the success of any maintenance and reliability program. This webinar will discuss the importance of having a lubrication playbook for your organization. 

The purchase of lubricants account for approximately 1% of all maintenance budgets, while poor lubrication practices can account for almost 40% of total maintenance costs. Having a playbook will help the team visualize targets, understand continuous improvement model, and know what is needed to achieve goals and be successful.

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Lubrication Engineers | 1919 E. Tulsa | Wichita, KS 67216